Welcome to McCarthy Library's 2023 LibGuide for CalFresh Awareness Month!
CalFresh Awareness Month started in May of 2011 and is the official month dedicated to increasing public awareness of CalFresh. The state, counties and community based organizations are committed to bringing awareness, dispelling myths and assisting clients with CalFresh applications. CalFresh helps to improve the health and well-being of qualified households and individuals by providing improved access to healthy and nutritious foods. Many are unaware they are eligible to receive benefits. Take the next step and be part of the movement to increase awareness! -Compiled by Susan Meader
CalFresh Information
Apply For California Food Stamps OnlineThis is the direct link to the CalFresh application for Napa Valley College students (important that NVC students use this link ).
CalFresh Healthy LivingCalFresh Healthy Living (SNAP-Ed) supports healthy, active and nourished lifestyles by teaching Californians about good nutrition and how to stretch their food dollars, while also building partnerships in communities to make the healthy choice, the easy choice.
CalFresh Eating Healthy RecipesFrom kid-friendly meals to quick dinner ideas, we've got you covered with easy and delicious recipes that won't break the bank.
Books about Food Equity, Nutrition Healthy Living
Local Food Resources
Napa Farmers MarketTuesday and Saturday market in downtown Napa
Meals on Wheels for SeniorsDelivering food and compassion, our Meals on Wheels program distributes five lunches and two snacks per week to participants, including milk and fresh fruit, to homebound seniors; this is a free service addressing the nutritional needs of more than 400 participants throughout Napa County.
County of NapaCounty of Napa CalFresh information website
Napa Food ResourcesA document containing a list of Napa-area food resources, including food pantries, free markets, and programs for senior citizens.