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Creating a LibGuide: Home

Text Formatting

LibGuides allows for text in the following fonts: 


Comic Sans MS

Courier New 


Lucida Sans Unicode


Times New Roman

Trebuchet MS


You may choose from the fonts above for the text on  your page. If no font is chosen, the guide will use the default font, Arial.

LibGuide Instructions

1. When you create a new LibGuide, the title of your LibGuide will become the title of the page.  For example, this page is titled "Creating a Libguide" and it becomes your "Home page".

2.  You will be adding new pages by creating tabs.  But the first step is to work on your homepage.

3. For your homepage, choose topics for your boxes, and then give them each titles. (This box is titled Libguide Instructions).

4. Place text in your boxes. Choose a standard font for your boxes (font examples provided to the left).

5. Choose any media (images, links, youtube videos),  that you would like to add to your LibGuide. These may be embedded in a box, or may be in a box of their own.

6. Choose the arrangement of your boxes. Boxes may be placed in one, two, or three columns.

If you have any questions about creating your page, please contact Nancy McEnery, College Librarian, at

Formatting Boxes

You may have up to three columns of boxes on your page. Please consider how many columns you would like while designing your page, and the rough relational dimensions you would like (ex. wider middle column, three even columns, two columns of equal dimensions, etc.).  You can always go back and change your formatting later (column dimensions), but it can negatively affect your page design.

Consider  which boxes you would like placed in each column, and in which order you would like them placed. Columns of roughly even length look better than drastically uneven columns.

Consider what media to place inside your text boxes.  You may want media to stand alone, or be placed with additional text.


To better organize the contents of your Libguide, you can create tabs along the top. Name the tabs whatever you like.  Typically, a Libguide will have separate tabs for books, online databases, websites, and organizations & associations.  Depending upon the type of guide you wish to create, your tabs can be labeled accordingly.  A tab essentially creates a new page in your Libguide.