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APA Style 7th Edition: Formatting

Overview of APA Formatting

Formatting Your Paper:  The Basics

  • You will need a cover page with very specific information and specific formatting and placement, so it is important to pay attention to the details, especially what to put in the header area of your paper (the space at the top of a document where you normally put the page number).
  • The first page of the paper (which is actually page 2) has a different header than the cover page.
  • You will need to use headings and sometimes subheadings.  There are 5 levels for headings, each with its own placement and stylistics.
  • You will need to use in-text citations which include the author, year of publication, and page number (or alternative if the item has no page numbers).
  • You will need to have a bibliography at the end of your paper that is titled "References."  (The quotes are here to offset the word and should NOT be used when actually typing the title.)

Formatting Your Paper

Formatting Your Paper

  • If you are using Microsoft Word, you will want to select "No Spacing" from the formatting bar.  It is usually set to "Normal," and you need to change that.  If you are using Google Docs, you don't need to worry about this.
  • Next, select Times New Roman and 12 point font.  Both Microsoft Word and Google Docs have a different default, so take care of this first.
  • Next, select double-spacing.  You can do this through the icon on the toolbar in both Microsoft Word and in Google Docs.
  • The images below show you what to click on for Microsoft Word (left image) and Google Docs (right image).


The Cover Page

The Cover Page

  • Double-click in the header area.  Click on "Different first page." 
  • Add the page number using the "Insert" option and drop-down menu. 
    • For Google Docs, you go to "Insert" and then down to "Page numbers."  Select the first option showing the page number on the right.
    • For Microsoft Word, you got to "Insert" and then over to "Page number."  Select "Top of Page" and then "Plain Number 3" (which has the page number on the right).
  • Now, put your cursor at the top of your main document and double-click to get out of the header area. 
  • Hit enter four times so that you are approximately a quarter of the way down the page.  (Note:  If you forgot to select double-spacing, it will be eight single spaces.) 
  • You will need to use the center alignment button to center the text for the title.
  • You will need to set your document to double-spacing if you have not done so already.
  • Now, type your full title and bold it.  For example, this might be my title, "How in the World Do I Do This?:  A Guide to APA Formatting." (Don't use quotes for your title.  These are used here to offset the example.)  Notice that the subtitle is on line two.
  • Hit enter twice.
  • Type your name.
  • Hit enter to get to the next line.
  • Next, type the department and college name.  For example, if I writing a paper for an English class, that means that the department would be the English Department, and the college is Napa Valley College.  So, I would type, "English Department, Napa Valley College."  If I am doing the paper for a library class, I would type, "McCarthy Library, Napa Valley College." (Don't use quotes for your title.  These are used here to offset the example.)
  • Hit enter to get to the next line.
  • Type the name of the class for which you are writing this paper.  For example, I might be writing this for, "Library 100:  Becoming a Skilled Researcher."  (Don't use quotes for your title.  These are used here to offset the example.)  Notice that the class name is written out "Library," NOT "LIBR."  In addition, the proper name for the class is used.  Your instructor should have the full title of the course on the syllabus, so consult this first.  If not, use the Course Catalog for the college.
  • Hit enter to get to the next line.
  • Now type the instructor's full name.  If your instructor has a doctorate, include Dr. before the name.
  • Hit enter to get to the next line.
  • Now type the due date for the final draft of your paper fully written out.  Since I am presenting this on October 27, 2021, I am going to use that as my due date.
  • Use the "Insert" tab on your toolbar and select "Page Break."  This will take you to the second page of your document.

Formatting Page 2 of Your Paper

Page 2 of Your Paper

  • Double-click in the header area.
  • Add the page number using the "Insert" option and drop-down menu. 
    • For Google Docs, you go to "Insert" and then down to "Page numbers."  Select the first option showing the page number on the right.
    • For Microsoft Word, you got to "Insert" and then over to "Page number."  Select "Top of Page" and then "Plain Number 3" (which has the page number on the right).  Yes, you need to do this, again, because you have a different first page.
  • Type the title of your paper or if the title is long (meaning 50 characters or longer), a shortened version of the title in all caps.  For example, if my full title is "How in the World Do I Do This?:  A Guide to APA Formatting," I could just use the second part of that and type "A GUIDE TO APA FORMATTING."  This will need to go flush against the left side of your paper, and you will need to use the tab key to do this.
  • Now double-click on the main part of the page to get back to the main document.
  • Use the center align button and type your full title in bold.  For me, the would mean, "How in the World Do I Do This?:  A Guide to APA Formatting." (Don't use quotes for your title.  These are used here to offset the example.)  Unlike for the cover page, you do the title on one line, including the subtitle unless it is too long to fit on one line.
  • Then, hit enter and align your paper left, again.  Use the tab key to indent, and start typing the introduction to your paper.  Notice that you do not use a heading for the introduction.

Headings - Starting After the Introduction


  • Once you have finished with your introduction, you will be typing your literature review, and you will need to use a heading for this.
  • Hit enter to go to the next line.
  • Use the center button to align the text center.
  • Title this section, "Literature Review" in bold.
  • For your sub-heading one, you will align this left and also put this in bold.  For the purposes of this lesson, my subheading is, "The Invention of APA Formatting."
  • Hit enter.  Use your tab key to indent, and begin typing the next part of your paper.