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Election 2024: Books & Short Courses

Disinformation vs. Misinformation

What is the best way to increase your knowledge of information sources in the age of deepfakes?  Use this Libguide to recognize disinformation and misinformation in print and online.  

We use the Merriam-Webster definitions, where disinformation is characterized by its intent to deceive.

Definition of misinformation

: incorrect or misleading information

Definition of disinformation

false information deliberately and often covertly spread (as by the planting of rumors) in order to influence public opinion or obscure the truth

Media Literacy Online Short Course

A MUST SEE!  The MIT Center for Advanced Virtuality has created a free course that addresses misinformation both in terms of specific contemporary technological phenomena and a broader media perspective.  It is excellent!

Media Literacy in the Age of Deepfakes

Critical Disinformation Studies Syllabus

From the Center for Information Technology and Public Life at the University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill.


Cover of the book Constitution of Knowledge
Book cover for a Firehose of Falsehood
Book cover entitled Attack from Within:  How Disinformation is Sabotaging America
United States of Distraction book cover
Deepfakes book cover
AI 2040 book cover
Cover of the book Misbelief:  What Makes Rational People Believe Irrational Things
Book cover of A Field Guide to Lies
Green book cover for the Dark Side of Our Digital World
Cover of the book Stickler's Guide to Science in the Age of Misinformation